Monday, July 17, 2006

Artemis and Apollo

The powerhouse twins...who also had their own little bouts of sibling overprotected-ness. Come to find out Apollo tricked Artemis into killing her own boyfriend because he didn't approve of the match. Anywho...Artemis is goddess of the moon, the hunt, and all virgin girls protectress...while Apollo is god of the sun and various forms of music. Little rough on the linework on my part...if anyone knows any good tricks, let me know.


Tyler Stott said...

like i said before, GREAT COMPOSITION!! fun characteer!!

Brant Moon said...

I really like Apollo's face shape...and I love the whole "Bro & Sis" setup.

Ken Chandler said...

Nice designs!

Lilliasaid said...

thanks guys!