So, Maleficent...yeah she scared the living daylights out of me as a kid...heck, she still scares the living daylights out of me. Do you know why she's the best villain ever? She doesn't stop when she captures Prince Phillip and has Aurora peacefully sleeping...she lays out the meanest plan ever to Phillip in the dungeon. She's gonna keep him locked up until he's old and craggy and THEN release him...being the good person he is he'll go wake up Aurora, but they can never be happy or together because he's old and craggy. Now THAT'S mean...and she's not even mad at them...she's mad at their parents. So cheers to Maleficent for having the best villainous 'tude ever. It was weird to try and draw her in a more realistic style...and I took some liberties with her character design...but it was fun.
Good work. I like how you drew her several times. I actually she was kind of a hot for her age ... but I was a weird kid anyways.
Thanks...actually I agree with you...I always thought she was really pretty...it added to her creepiness.
Kudos to Liz for an awesome melificent!!! You've improved- I'm so impressed. Makes me want to work harder! yay liz!
thanks Audrey!
great choice, i was this close to doing her(imagine that my fingers are really close)
gtreat angles!!
Dad-gum, she scared me years ago! I remember the part when they take Aurora back to the castle for the first time, and Malificent's eyes (eyes only) appear in the dark fireplace. CREEEPY!
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